We have a great deal of respect and appreciation for the professional advisors who work alongside us to achieve their clients’ goals. For that reason, we established The Gold Key Society to recognize the value of their contributions.
As members of The Gold Key Society, these advisors have played a critical role in helping local philanthropists make a difference in Greater Lafayette. In partnering with us to fulfill their clients’ charitable dreams, they have also helped them build lasting legacies.
- Richard L. Bartholomew
- Sherri Beabout
- Stuart Boehning
- Morgan Bonifazi
- Jeff B. Brown
- Scott Busch
- Michael Cahill
- Bill Cardwell
- Brenda Clapper
- Gabriel N. Eberhardt
- Tracey F. Eberhardt
- Kyle Epperson
- Jennifer Fehrenbach Taylor
- William P. Gettings
- Kisti Good Risse
- Andy Gutwein
- Kevin C. Gutwein
- Tressa Heath
- Abigayle M. Hensley
- Adam Henson
- Diane Imel
- Tyler Isgrigg
- Brittany E. Jones
- Patrick Jones
- Jim Keene
- Kayla Kilgus
- Robert S. Laszynski
- Young Lee
- Mark Lillianfeld
- David W. Luhman
- James T. MacDonald
- Bri Madren
- Brian Martin
- John K. McBride
- David McGaughey
- Ryan J. McLaughlin
- Jeffery A. Milligan
- Karissa Mooney
- Kimberly Morisette
- Chase Newsom
- James F. Olds
- Thomas B. Parent
- Jessica Rebmann
- Thomas W. Reed
- Heath Riley
- Erik Roe
- Jennifer C. Russell
- Luke A. Rutan
- Matthew A. Salsbery
- Jamie Schuleter
- Christopher D. Shelmon
- Greg Smith
- David Starkweather
- Alek Stevens
- Tricia Rose Tanoos
- TJ Thieme
- Dailey Tingley
- Patti Truitt
- Gloria Weesner
- Matthew J. Wright